Friday, October 24, 2008

The McGreg-Ogrega plan for ecological responsibility

1. Strictly enforced cap-and-trade. Caps decrease every year. All businesses are subjected to immediate full audits to ensure they're not just fronts being created to provide more credits to parent companies. Such audits will be conducted randomly over time for companies in case any sneak or bribe their way through. Any business that exceeds their pollution cap is slapped with a scaling, extremely encumbering penalty tax until they receive new credits at the start of the next fiscal period.
- Caps are all inclusive. Not just carbon emissions, but all activity such as mature tree removal, water and ground pollution, garbage waste, and ecological harm to native species are all tallied in an organization's "ecological impact".

2. Incentives are offered for research and development to cleaner energy, waste disposal and recycling technologies. Companies and individuals using such technologies will be given tax incentives.

3. Foreign imports and services will be subjected to equal scrutiny. If a foreign product is made by a company unable to comply with these standards, it will be embargoed. All compliance will be verified by a committee in the same manner as IAEA investigation teams. If the team is barred from a complete investigation, the product will become unavailable on US shores. This will force the global economy to get in step with us or lose the entire US as a market.

This isn't that hard if people cut back on greed and laziness.