Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't call me Radio, Unit 91

Nothing of my own to add today, so I'll dive right into the BufBlo topic of Music. I am way way behind. The last CD to get uploaded onto my iPod was Muse's Black Holes and Revelations, shortly after it came out over a year ago.

Used to be, I'd put on Rhapsody and catch tunes from their radio stations, save the bands to my library, and if I liked them enough, I'd buy their music. But now I use Rhapsody so rarely that it's pretty much a waste of money. I'm on the verge of cancelling it completely. I lay the blame squarely on their new, clunky and bright interface.

I can't count on Buffalo Radio to show me anything new, but I used to be able to count on Toronto Radio to a degree. Unfortunately, 102.1 now seems to believe that Nirvana, Pearl Jam, The Beastie Boys and other music from the early 90's is "New Rock". I'm used to this from 103.3, but I held our friends up North to a higher standard. It's ok to jump in the wayback machine once and a while and I know these are important artists. But they're old songs, and I shouldn't have to hear one every time I turn on the radio.

So I listen to 107.1 and 94.5 when 102.1 fires up "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" yet again. Classic Rock and Classical music. Try it, it's awesome.

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