Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's been a good week

I meant to start this blog in time for BufBloPoFo, but I am a slothful person when it comes to writing. Oh well. I'm here now, and that's what counts.

Firstly, last Saturday I attempted to run the Shamrock Run 8k, while still recovering from a nasty cough and braving what some would call gale force winds. I did not dress appropriately, and my nipples nearly froze off. Here's me before the foolish endeavor.

Keep smiling, you idiot. If it sounds like I'm making excuses already, it's because I am. I ran a respectful (for me) 52:10, but by "ran" I mean, "kept up with Caitlin's blistering speed as long as I could, then shamefully walked/jogged the rest".

Still, I got a free sweatshirt out of it.

Secondly, I picked up a new computer on Woot for a ridiculously low price. It's a lu-lu, too. Quad Core, 500gb hard drive, 3gb ram, etc, etc. So expect to hear about games a lot while the weather slowly thaws.

Thirdly, it's Thursday already. Which means two more days and we're on the weekend again.

As for the BufBloPoFo topic of the day, I was into the usual 80's boy stuff, GI Joe, Voltron, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars. Of course it molded me today. Like so many other man-children my age, I harbor great respect and admiration for all things Ninja, thanks to the exploits of Snake Eyes, Stormshadow, the Black Lion, Raphael and Panthro.

I still believe in finesse over brute strength and like the idea of a smarter, smaller guy embarrassing a big dumb oaf in a fight. Maybe it's because I'm friends with a bunch of guys who all lived under power lines and as a result, I'm shorter than most of them. Or maybe it's because ninjas are just unstoppable inhuman machines of grace and pain.


Mike Garvey said...

First comment ever! wee!

Beers said...

Welcome back. I've already linked you on my site. Congratulations on the new baby. May I suggest Team Fortress 2 (and The Orange Box) as an excellent addition to your gaming collection?