Friday, September 26, 2008

Spook Central

Ghost Hunters recently went to Buffalo's Central Terminal to investigate reports of paranormal activity. They were very positive about restoration efforts of the building, and duly awed by the 14 story art deco spire and sprawling complex. Some interesting stories came out of the locals working on the site, one involving a voice in the dark asking questions in German, which led to the mention that German POW's were put to work maintaining the building during WWII.

The investigative team itself heard footsteps, heard and caught voices on their recorders, made "contact" with a woman using a device that registered electro-magnetic disturbances and saw shapes moving on a thermal camera. They concluded the place was certainly haunted, but not by nasty ghosts. My thoughts: vagrants screwing with them.

The thing that really stuck with me though was the magnificence of the structure and the way it effected the team. They were very impressed and even if it was by a derelict building from the Days of Yore, it was still my city that did it. Hooray for Buffalo. Speaking of which, there is an Oktoberfest celebration happening there Saturday night. Should be a good time.

Now, if they're really brave, they'll spend a night in the Richardson towers of the old psychiatric hospital on Forest.


Beers said...

Awesome! I am going to have to check this episode out. Have you seen the Iron Island episode?

Greg said...

I haven't, I don't normally get to catch the show. I'm guessing fun stuff happens?