Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So Hill-dawg thought she should be the magical milestone democratic candidate in 2008, but all she's shown us so far is that she really, really wants to be president, and will do just about anything to get there.

1. Bill cheated on her. I don't care what was decided officially. Getting a beedge from another woman when you are married is cheating. Instead of leaving him, she kept the marriage going. Show of hands, who here thinks they are currently married in more than name? Why did she stay then? Because having Bill with her was supposed to help her odds, and also allows her to tout her "white house experience". I'd have admired her more for being strong enough to leave someone who was obviously not the marrying type. Unfortunately, that more genuine option would have left her with only her own story to tell as a candidate, and there's just not much there to claim political experience from.

2. She claims the tinies victories (51% to 49%) as public mandates, and ignores massive losses. Her strange logic also asserts that she wins the "big states", but isn't it the multitude of smaller states that Obama has won so handily that democrats normally slough off? If we've got someone who is capable there, doesn't that stand a better chance than someone who will win states any democrat would take anyway?

3. She is clinging to ideas that go against what should be a "peoples' will" democratic message. Bush's approval rating sucks. Everyone with a brain hates him by now. The next president should be someone intelligent and likeable, with strong popular broadline support rather than the deep affection of a group on one end of the spectrum only. But she is claiming that superdelegates should be allowed to act as a counter to winning the popular vote in the primaries. She also likes to throw out the michigan/florida primary thing. They should count, essentially, because she won them. She would not be talking about them at all if she hadn't won there. Nevermind the fact that the other candidates didn't campaign there and Obama wasn't even on the ballot.

4. Every time something comes up against Obama, she suddenly reveals she's been the other way her whole life. Obama commented in private that economically depressed rural pennsylvanians might be more interested in guns and religion as an outlet to their woes. Somehow this turned into the idea that he's against both things. Hillary meanwhile started touting her spirituality and her childhood experiences with firearms. When asked simply by a reporter "when was the last time you actually went to church or fired a gun?" she got real defensive, real quick. Uh huh.

I'm not saying Obama is flawless. He's green, and his now-former pastor is a nutjob. But he tends to respond in a more rational way to the curveballs he's been thrown, where Hillary seems to offer a pandering answer to whomever she is currently talking to or about. For example...
- She told Bill O'Reilly "God bless rich people". The context was essentially her agreeing with the principle of trickle down economics. Arguments aside, that's not really something democrats do.
- She is offering a gas tax relief that will lower pricing momentarily until demand responds and drives it back up. This relief will be paid for by big oil under a windfall profits tax. I'm no expert, but my guess would be they'll respond by increasing prices.

Here's an idea: offer folks incentives for buying high efficiency vehicles. Allow folks stuck in gas guzzlers a way to get into hybrids or other high mpg vehicles. I'm not just talking about the tax rebates offered on some hybrid purchases, I'm talking about something more along the lines of SUV amnesty. You know, say someone in a jeep wrangler lease wanted to switch to a corolla/focus or something else more practical (Whoa, where did that come from?), give them a way to make the trade without taking it up the tailpipe. That'd save people real money, drive responsible consumer behavior, stimulate auto sales a bit and give the old environment a bit of a carbon break, without freaking out big oil too much while we work on a long term solution. People are happy, the industry is happy, environmental freaks like me crack a mild grin while we await green energy sources, yadda yadda.

Where was I? Oh yeah, Greg for President.


goose said...

Problem is all three candidates are severely lacking, though of these stooges that have been thrust upon us I must pick the lesser of "3 evils". I'm sure you know my choice by now. Yes Hillary is a vacuous, inane, moron, who blows with the wind. But then, Obama's no prize. His plan for everything seems to be, "We'll have to take a look at it", or "We'll have to talk". Which suggests, that while his oratory skills may be decent, the knowledge just isn't there. You're right, he's far too green. McCain, well he's hot-tempered, and sat behind Moses in the third grade. His plans may or may not work, we don't know, but at least he's got them. I vote for experience (both politically and military-wise). I know we'll differ on this. The way I see it? Anyone who of his own volition, withstood daily beatings for nearly half a decade in a Vietnamese prison, only to come out in the political world and successfully deal with Ted Kennedy, has earned my respect and proven to me that he has the ability to succeed despite overwhelming adversity. You think he'll be remotely intimidated by OPEC, Mahmoud, Chaves, of Kim Jong? Doubtful...and I love it.

Greg said...

There are some great qualities to McCain, but he is getting cozy with fundamental Christians, which scares the crap out of me and most other non-crazies. He also could use a more robust environmental plan than what I've seen so far. It'll be interesting to watch debates between he and Obama on the subject.

By the way, on Vietnam POW's, I attended a speech by Charlie Plumb. That guy has a great story to tell. He was a few cells down from McCain in the same prison camp.

The Humanist said...

Excellent post Greg....a nice summary knockdown of all the Clinton talking points. She truly is the Black Knight from Monty Python & The Holy Grail...she's on ground with all her limbs cut off and she still entertains delusions of winning. Sad, really.