Wednesday, May 28, 2008

End of a blighted age?

So rising fuel costs are starting to reach very threatening stages in Europe. A recent Time article noted that gasoline costs an average of $9-$11 a gallon over there. Imagine if that were the case here, the widespread panic could lead to a gasoline-free revolution on our way of life. I'm not looking to get into a debate here, just imagining the benefits beyond "no more gasoline cars".

1: The return of the Age of Sail. In the wake of untenably expensive oil, shipping and other maritime industries turn back to wind, this time augmenting cloth sails with solar powered electric engines for when the doldrums hit. Ships once again take on a sleek, majestic look. Things take a little longer by sea at first, but that's ok, no one's spilling oil all over the ocean anymore. Dredge fishing becomes more difficult and sea life maybe begins to rebound in some of the more scoured areas.

2: Modern rail takes hold in America for reals. Seeking an alternative to high jet fuel costs, magnetic induction trains like the French TGV and the Japanese bullet train begin to become more prevalent here in the states. Zoom. Caped villains rejoice in the ability to once again terrorize maidens by tying them to tracks.

3: The home office. Telecommunications advances continue to astound. How long before the notion of coming to work in an office building on a daily basis becomes needless and antiquated for the commercial sector? Many folks already enjoy telecommuting certain days of the week. I have the tools and access to do it, but rarely am I granted the option to do so. It'd be nice, is all I'm saying. Perhaps once a light rail is built in Buffalo (ha!), this becomes irrelevant since I'll have true rapid mass transit options.

4: I don't know, teleporters or some shit. Maybe we'll finally see an end to the noisey, pollution spewing internal combustion engine once and for all. A crude transitional piece of technology that can finally be laid to rest.


Anonymous said...

Well, having started working at Campus Wheelworks, I've noticed quite a large number of people coming in and buying bicycles specifically due to high gas prices. It's a start. And at least people are getting some extra exercise.

Greg said...

Congrats on getting the job! I'll have to try and catch you there for my bicycle accessory needs.

Alex said...