Monday, May 19, 2008

A few things

1. Camping season is all but upon us. Can you smell the crisp pine scent? The campfires? The grungy aroma of humanity?

2. Went looking for an old video game in my storage bins and instead found a creepy ass bug with the body of a silverfish and the long hairy legs of a spider. Briefly conferred with Johnny via email, decided it was a Hybrid Zob and a harbinger of the end of the world. A "zob" for you laymen is any bug that gives you the heebie jeebies. All silverfish count, as do any spiders larger than a grain of salt. The name comes from the noise they are thought to make as they come skittering across the kitchen floor, hungry for blood.

3. West Virginia is no surprise and of little consequence at this point. Kentucky will go the same way. Clinton tells us she's on a roll garnering the whiskey-tango vote, but the reality is her "core" is scared racists and giggling republicans playing the spoiler. What a coalition!

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